Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"Everything else becomes so much interesting during Exams"

It is so strange to believe that Everything else becomes so much more interesting during Exams.
The things which we would not do usually, we always feel like doing them or rather missing doing that during exams.
There are so many different things that pop up in mind during the time of exams.
Like going out for a walk, which generally you never do.
Watching an old movie, which you have watched a hundred times over.
Sleeping at unusual hours, having some snacks every now and then.
All of sudden all your favorite shows are lined up on T.V.,
You start to find interest in a book, which you would have not preferred peeping at.
And all this interest is done with as soon as the exams are over.

I am sure everyone has had such experience atleast once, would like to here from all you people out here what way they relate to this.
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